The Qur’ān, the Great War and the West

The Qur’ān, the Great War and the West

سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ أَيُّهَا الثَّقَلَانِ (Qur’ān, al-Rahmān, 55:31) We shall one day take you to task, O you sin-laden two! (In the above verse the Qur’ān has addressed both a Western world that is loaded with sin, as well as the Shayatīn (plural of Shaitān/ Satan who are evil Jinn/) who have supported and strengthened the West…

Eating Dates Produces Powerful Health Benefits, Religion and Science Agree

Eating Dates Produces Powerful Health Benefits, Religion and Science Agree

Since biblical times, dates were to believed to possess profound healing properties, but only now is science catching up to confirm our distant ancestors knew exactly what they were talking about.  If you go by the Nutrition Facts panel of an ordinary package of dates, they look more like sugar bombs than a healthy snack….

Muslims and Conspiracy Theory

Muslims and Conspiracy Theory

The impression the media portrays is that “conspiracy theory” is rife in the Islamic world. But that’s because the media’s job is to defend the fantasy of the Emperor’s New Clothes. To the media, the truth that Zionist interests effectively define American foreign policy or 9/11 being an inside job are “conspiracy theories.” While there…