The Refugee Crisis and the Mediterranean Sea – The Largest Graveyard in Modern History

The Refugee Crisis and the Mediterranean Sea – The Largest Graveyard in Modern History

In June 2018 alone, more than 500 refugees drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Their boats were refused access to land in either Malta, or Italy. They were force-driven back by gun-boats to the North African shores they came from, mostly Libya, but many boats capsized and countless refugees didn’t make it. These are de facto…

Thousands of Refugees Forced Onto Death March Into Sahara Desert

Thousands of Refugees Forced Onto Death March Into Sahara Desert

More than 13,000 refugees and migrants, including pregnant women and children, have been force-marched into the Sahara desert by Algerian security forces over the past 14 months, where many of them have died from hunger and exposure. The shocking revelation by the Associated Press was substantiated by videos showing hundreds of migrants stumbling through a…

Immigration: Western Wars and Imperial Exploitation Uproot Millions

Immigration: Western Wars and Imperial Exploitation Uproot Millions

Introduction “Immigration” has become the dominant issue dividing Europe and the US, yet the most important matter which is driving millions to emigrate is overlooked is wars. In this paper we will discuss the reasons behind the massification of immigration, focusing on several issues, namely (1) imperial wars (2) multi-national corporate expansion (3) the decline…

Pakistan’s Asymmetrical Response to Trump Is a Clever Way to Flip the Tables on Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Asymmetrical Response to Trump Is a Clever Way to Flip the Tables on Afghanistan

Pakistan’s announcement that it will seek the expulsion of over 1,5 million Afghan refugees in the next 30 days is being tacitly justified by Trump’s tweet and channels his zero-tolerance stance towards immigration from “terrorist”-prone states, but it also represents the employment of reverse-“Weapons of Mass Migration” in pushing Kabul closer towards the edge of…

Israel Tells African Migrants They Have 90 Days to Leave or Go to Jail

Israel Tells African Migrants They Have 90 Days to Leave or Go to Jail

Israel will force tens of thousands of African migrants to leave over the next three months by threatening to arrest those who stay, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said that the Israeli government will offer migrants a $3,500 payment and a free air ticket home or to…