Interpreting the Latest Russian-“Israeli” GPS Jamming Scandal

Interpreting the Latest Russian-“Israeli” GPS Jamming Scandal

Those who review President Putin’s own words about bilateral relations and the important role that Russian Jews play in serving as a bridge between these two, including what he told the Keren Heyesod Foundation during its annual conference in Moscow in September 2019, know better than to ever think that he’d do anything to endanger…

Ukrainian Riot Plotter Arrests: Genuine Grassroots Revolt or Color Revolution Plot?

Ukrainian Riot Plotter Arrests: Genuine Grassroots Revolt or Color Revolution Plot?

The US has a track record of successfully organizing Color Revolutions all across the world. It also has the socio-political infrastructure inside of Ukraine via US-led Western NGOs and related intelligence agencies (some of which are one and the same) to carry this out if it really wanted to. Ukraine arrested some people on Monday…

How American Duplicity on NATO Expansion Ultimately Led to Today’s Crisis

How American Duplicity on NATO Expansion Ultimately Led to Today’s Crisis

The U.S. Empire has its iron rules, and you cannot expect that it doesn’t use its power to pursue its interests. But the means can vary a lot. European media are fanning the flame of war in Ukraine, apparently unaware that it would happen in their courtyard. As with the Euro missiles crisis at the…

The Kashmir Video Scandal Proves That Ruptly-Financed Redfish Isn’t “Kremlin-Controlled”

The Kashmir Video Scandal Proves That Ruptly-Financed Redfish Isn’t “Kremlin-Controlled”

The freedoms of speech and press do indeed exist in Russia as proven by the fact that redfish can seemingly contradict the Kremlin’s policy of unwaveringly supporting India on Kashmir just like RT can do the same with China when it comes to going far beyond all manner of ‘political correctness’ in some of their…

The Anglo-American Axis Is Hellbent On Destabilizing Eurasia

The Anglo-American Axis Is Hellbent On Destabilizing Eurasia

The Anglo-American Axis can be described as the principal antagonist in the New Cold War since it’s becoming impossible to discuss the American grand strategy in Eurasia without also talking about the supplementary role of its top British strategic partner. Relations between China and Russia are comparatively more equal but both are still trying to…

The Year of the Tiger Starts With a Sino-Russian Bang

The Year of the Tiger Starts With a Sino-Russian Bang

The Year of the Black Water Tiger will start, for all practical purposes, with a Beijing bang this Friday, as Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, after a live meeting before the initial ceremony of the Winter Olympics, will issue a joint statement on international relations. That will represent a crucial move in the Eurasia…