America’s Armed ‘Sentinel State’ Encirclement

America’s Armed ‘Sentinel State’ Encirclement

‘Encirclement’ and ‘containment’ effectively have become Biden’s default foreign policy, Alastair Crooke writes. The key to China’s security riposte to the U.S. is linked to two words that go unstated in U.S. formal policy documents, but whose silent presence nevertheless suffuses and colour-washes the text of the 2022 National Defence Authorisation Act. The term ‘containment’…

CNN Is Wrong: “Putin’s Pipeline” Didn’t Drive a “Wedge” Between the West

CNN Is Wrong: “Putin’s Pipeline” Didn’t Drive a “Wedge” Between the West

That’s not to say that Germany can’t ultimately be coerced into sacrificing its national economic – and therefore by extension, security and thus strategic – interests, but just that it won’t be all that easy precisely due to Nord Stream II’s stabilizing effect. CNN published a piece on Tuesday about “How Putin’s $11 billion pipeline…

Who’s Lying About Ukraine This Time & Why: The Biden Administration or CNN?

Who’s Lying About Ukraine This Time & Why: The Biden Administration or CNN?

One of the two is lying but it’s unclear which it is because they both have a history of spewing fake news, though usually the same false narrative and in full coordination with one another. All that observers can do is make educated conjectures based on their paradigms for analyzing this crisis. A serious political…

Geopolitical Amnesia and America’s Imperial Ambitions

Geopolitical Amnesia and America’s Imperial Ambitions

How warmongers are trying to influence the outcome of talks between Russia and NATO. While US State Department officials look for possible compromises with Moscow on European security (an issue that really is difficult for them since they need to save face), the Russophobe lobby from various institutions are actively calling for a tough stance….

Is the US Preparing to Sacrifice Zelensky in Order to Justify Russia’s Containment?

Is the US Preparing to Sacrifice Zelensky in Order to Justify Russia’s Containment?

The anti-Russian faction of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (‘deep state’) might be preparing to sacrifice Zelensky for the grand strategic purpose of provoking the scenario that would reorient their country towards prioritizing Russia’s ‘containment’ over China’s. The US “deep state’s” grand strategic calculations vis-à-vis Russia and China are presently in the…

Spheres of Influence, State Sovereignty, and The European Missile Crisis

Spheres of Influence, State Sovereignty, and The European Missile Crisis

On the surface, casual observers might be forgiven for thinking that Russia’s security guarantee requests do indeed amount to an undeclared sphere of influence that’s occurring at the expense of the Central & Eastern European countries’ sovereignty, but that’s actually not the case if one takes the time to think more deeply about it. The…