Stop the Smear Campaign (and Genocide) Against Sunni Islam!

Stop the Smear Campaign (and Genocide) Against Sunni Islam!

Eric Zeusse’s work is invariably thought-provoking, well-researched, and far more credible than most mainstream reporting. Unfortunately, in his otherwise excellent article “All ‘Islamic Terrorism’ Is Perpetrated by Fundamentalist Sunnis, Except Terrorism Against Israel,” Zeusse commits two grave errors. The result is a grotesque calumny against Sunni Islam.  Zeusse’s first error is to label the alleged…

Trump Puts US on Sunni Muslim Side of Bitter Sectarian War with Shias

Trump Puts US on Sunni Muslim Side of Bitter Sectarian War with Shias

It was crude stuff. President Trump called on 55 Muslim leaders assembled in Riyadh to drive out terrorism from their countries. He identified Iran as a despotic state and came near to calling for regime change, though Iran held a presidential election generally regarded as fair only two days previously. He denounced Hezbollah and lined…

Politics, not Religion, is the Source of Sunni-Shia Conflict

Politics, not Religion, is the Source of Sunni-Shia Conflict

Lately, it has become a habit of Orientalist apologists of Western imperialism to offer reductive historical and theological explanations of Sunni-Shi’a conflict in the Middle East region in order to cover up the blowback of ill-conceived Western military interventions and proxy wars that have reignited the flames of the internecine conflict in the Islamic World….