Washington Places Cuba and Venezuela on “Terror” List

Washington Places Cuba and Venezuela on “Terror” List

Less than two weeks after an abortive mercenary invasion aimed at overthrowing Venezuela’s government and murdering its president that was hatched by the Trump White House, the US State Department on Wednesday renewed it classification of the country as “not fully cooperating” with Washington’s global war on terrorism. Also added to the list was Cuba,…

From Overstretch to Collapse

From Overstretch to Collapse

In less than three decades, a mere blink of the eye in historical terms, the United States has gone from the world’s sole superpower to a massive foundering wreck that is helpless before the coronavirus and intent on blaming the rest of the world for its own shortcomings. As the journalist Fintan O’Toole noted recently…

US Foreign Policy Creates a Neverending Terrorist Cycle

US Foreign Policy Creates a Neverending Terrorist Cycle

The US often decapitates terrorist leaders in a bid to deal terrorism a significant blow. However, groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS are becoming increasingly resilient, and quickly replace their fallen leaders with more lethal ones. After the US military assassinated ISIS’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in October last year, there was much speculation about who…