The US Contracts Out Its Regime Change Operation in Nicaragua

The US Contracts Out Its Regime Change Operation in Nicaragua

An extraordinary leaked document gives a glimpse of the breadth and complexity of the US government’s plan to interfere in Nicaragua’s internal affairs up to and after its presidential election in 2021. The plan,[1] a 14-page extract from a much longer document, dates from March-April this year and sets the terms for a contract to…

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Human rights and the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric? On the surface, the cultural narrative seems innocent enough: billionaire philanthropists, political luminaries and transnational corporations, along with legions of staff and volunteers – all working together in the name of social justice, forging a better, fairer and more accountable world. The…

Why’s the West Painting Tanzania’s President as the Latest “African Tyrant”?

Why’s the West Painting Tanzania’s President as the Latest “African Tyrant”?

The Mainstream Media is ginning up an infowar campaign against Tanzania’s President because of his vociferously pro-family socio-conservative policies and his recent decision to double down on his country’s decades-long strategic partnership with China, fearmongering about his allegedly “authoritarian” tendencies despite him publicly declining to amend his country’s constitution to remain in power beyond the…

USAID and Wall Street: Conflicts, Coups, and Conquest

USAID and Wall Street: Conflicts, Coups, and Conquest

In 1928 when the US-based United Fruit Company – now known as Chiquita Brands International – faced labor issues in Columbia, it had at its disposal Colombian troops which gunned down hundreds of strikers to maintain production and profits. Ensuring that Columbia protected “American interests” was the US State Department who hosted company representatives at the…

US Kicks UN in the Guts

US Kicks UN in the Guts

George Washington, the first President of the United States, said that the country should «steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world». 221 years after America is on the way to get back to this precept. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the United States will not continue participating in the Human Rights Council unless the…