Putin: Crazy Like a Fox

Putin: Crazy Like a Fox

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine goes on, the world wonders what the reason was behind such a precipitous act. The pro-Ukraine crowd has put forth a narrative constructed around the self-supporting themes of irrationality on the part of a Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and his post-Cold War fantasies of resurrecting the former Soviet Union….

Ukraine Obliterates Other Stories: Only the Villains Can Win

Ukraine Obliterates Other Stories: Only the Villains Can Win

With events in Ukraine having obliterated other stories it is worth noting that truckers are still driving from California to DC, but other regular people have totally forgotten about the convoy, the virus, and the vaccine, etc. The war ended the pandemic overnight. Everyone is now proffering an opinion on who started it, who is…

Here’s Why It’s So Important for Russia to Denazify & Demilitarize the “Anti-Russia”

Here’s Why It’s So Important for Russia to Denazify & Demilitarize the “Anti-Russia”

Denazification will result in the “ideological vaccination” of the Ukrainian “deep state” and the society that it’s supposed to represent (even though it hasn’t legitimately represented its indigenously multicultural people for the past eight years). This will in turn sustainably ensure that this fraternal country isn’t ever hijacked by foreign forces in order to transform…

Russia’s Latest Democratic Security Measures Will Ensure Domestic Stability

Russia’s Latest Democratic Security Measures Will Ensure Domestic Stability

These Democratic Security measures are necessary to stop radical political forces, both those indigenous to the country and those living as guests within it, from destabilizing society through Hybrid War to the benefit of Russia’s US-led Western adversaries. These moves are legitimate, and quite honestly, a little overdue. The Russian Duma adopted three bills on…

No Pasaran: Ukraine 2022

No Pasaran: Ukraine 2022

The last surviving member of the International Brigades that fought the fascists in Spain in the 1930s died last year at the age of 101. Josep Almudéver Mateu, born in France, remembered going into battle without any ammunition for his gun. Five kilometers into his march to the front, he was finally able to cadge…

Every US Enemy Is Hitler

Every US Enemy Is Hitler

Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ It’s just incredible how even after all this time, after all those wars, after all those lies, it’s not even occurring to most mainstream westerners to investigate whether the US could possibly have had anything to do with starting the war in Ukraine. There’s one asshole in…