Syria: The Western Hysteria on the Eve of its Failure

Syria: The Western Hysteria on the Eve of its Failure

The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Ankara ended in a trilateral summit with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. These state leaders’ joint statement reaffirms their determination to cooperate in the final defeating of the Islamic State (ISIL), the Al-Nusra Front and other extremist groups. The critical importance…

The Qur’ān, the Great War and the West

The Qur’ān, the Great War and the West

سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ أَيُّهَا الثَّقَلَانِ (Qur’ān, al-Rahmān, 55:31) We shall one day take you to task, O you sin-laden two! (In the above verse the Qur’ān has addressed both a Western world that is loaded with sin, as well as the Shayatīn (plural of Shaitān/ Satan who are evil Jinn/) who have supported and strengthened the West…

As the West & the Russia/China Axis Lock Horns, Israel Will Have to Make Its Choice

As the West & the Russia/China Axis Lock Horns, Israel Will Have to Make Its Choice

A recent cluster of unrelated events is bringing Israel to a point of inflection; or at least, to a moment of deep almost existential reflection – on this, the seventieth anniversary of its founding. The depth of this quite anxious introspection became explicit in a discussion (Hebrew original) hosted by Yediot Ahronoth, Israel’s widest circulation Hebrew newspaper, with…

The West Cannibalizes Itself

The West Cannibalizes Itself

What civilization has ever sought to repudiate its own culture and traditions as we do today? Some 13 European thinkers issued an intellectual protest late last year against the assault on the Western heritage that has been raging on the Continent and in Britain for years. They called their 11-page document “The Paris Statement” and…