It’s Not Just the Oil. The Middle East War and the Conquest of Natural Gas Reserves

It’s Not Just the Oil. The Middle East War and the Conquest of Natural Gas Reserves

Are the Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Really About Oil? The Iraq war was really about oil, according to Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, a high-level National Security Council officer and others. Dick Cheney made Iraqi’s oil fields a national security priority before 9/11. The Sunday Herald reported:…

Military Aid As a Tool to Achieve U.S Foreign Policy Goals

Military Aid As a Tool to Achieve U.S Foreign Policy Goals

On September 21, the U.S. Senate cleared the way for a $1.15 billion sale of tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, dismissing a bipartisan bill that would have blocked the weapons shipment to Saudi Arabia. The weapons sale includes over 153 Abrams tanks, 20 armored vehicles, over 400 machine guns and more than 6,600 rounds…

Washington Tries to Break BRICS – Rape of Brazil Begins

Washington Tries to Break BRICS – Rape of Brazil Begins

Washington’s regime change machinery has for the time being succeeded in removing an important link in the alliance of large emerging nations by railroading through a Senate impeachment of the duly elected President, Dilma Rousseff. On August 31 her Vice President Michel Temer was sworn in as President. In his first speech as president, the…

NATO is Reviewing ‘Nuclear Playbook’ to Deter ‘Terrible Attacks’ by Russia – Pentagon Chief

NATO is Reviewing ‘Nuclear Playbook’ to Deter ‘Terrible Attacks’ by Russia – Pentagon Chief

The Pentagon chief put Russia on par with North Korea when he spoke about threats faced by the US and its allies, and the need to invest billions into refreshing NATO’s nuclear playbook to integrate conventional and unconventional deterrence methods. Addressing US servicemen, missile units and B-52 crews at Minot Base, Defense Secretary Ash Carter…

‘I Still Have Nightmares’: 13yo Girl Shot 5 Times by Israeli Soldiers

‘I Still Have Nightmares’: 13yo Girl Shot 5 Times by Israeli Soldiers A 13-year-old girl who was shot five times by Israeli soldiers has told RT she is still haunted by the incident, and hopes that soldiers will restrain themselves from shooting other “innocent children.” Her father says he wants Israel to compensate his family. Speaking to RT, 13-year-old Bara’a Owaisi said she had traveled to…

South Asia: Greater Eurasia Scenarios

South Asia: Greater Eurasia Scenarios

Big Bangladesh A “Greater Bangladesh” could be created if nationalist forces within or immediately outside of the country seek to unite the neighboring ethnic diaspora, which in this case would include those in Myanmar’s Rakhine State (commonly called “Rohingya” by the Western mainstream media just as they invented the fake term “Kosovar” to justify the…