Goodbye Palestine (But Watch for the Blowback)

Goodbye Palestine (But Watch for the Blowback)

Donald Trump won’t be formally forbidding entry of Palestinians to his New Great America, because he doesn’t recognise Palestine and never will. But he has designed a way of preventing their travel and that of countless others by introduction of ‘extreme vetting,’ which will help to deny Palestine the legitimacy that the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly agreed…

Iran Just Officially Ditched the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters

Iran Just Officially Ditched the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters

Following President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the Iranian government announced it would stop using the U.S. dollar “as its currency of choice in its financial and foreign exchange reports,” the local Financial Tribune reported. Iran governor Valiollah Seif’s central bank announced the decision in a television interview on January 29….

Russia Launches Biggest Arctic Military Expansion Since Fall of USSR

Russia Launches Biggest Arctic Military Expansion Since Fall of USSR

In what will likely be interpreted as the latest “test” by the Kremlin to gauge western military preparedness, Reuters reports that Russia has quietly unleashed the biggest military build up targeting the Arctic since the fall of the Soviet Union.  “It is part of a push to firm Moscow’s hand in the High North as…

Guess Who’s Moving Factories to America to Lower Costs… China Seeks A “Made in America” Label

Guess Who’s Moving Factories to America to Lower Costs… China Seeks A “Made in America” Label

When Donald Trump speaks about the barriers that US companies face, he often mentions a high corporate tax rate and the ability of other countries to produce more cheaply. Ironically, China, which most often draws Trump’s ire for doing so, is now facing many of the same problems. In fact, in one case that attracted…