Demobilizing America: A Nation Made by War and a Citizenry Unmade By It

Demobilizing America: A Nation Made by War and a Citizenry Unmade By It

On successive days recently, I saw two museum shows that caught something of a lost American world and seemed eerily relevant in the Age of Trump. The first, “Hippie Modernism,” an exploration of the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s (heavy on psychedelic posters), was appropriately enough at the Berkeley Art Museum. To my surprise,…

Why Trump’s First War is Probably Going to be a Conflict with North Korea

Why Trump’s First War is Probably Going to be a Conflict with North Korea

By now most people are completely desensitized to stories involving North Korea. One can only hear about so many blustering threats, missile launches, and state sanctioned executions, before those incidents are no longer surprising. Over the years we’ve seen it all, and most folks don’t really pay much attention to what’s going on in the…

Why is Sri Lanka Granting India Control Over Our National and Energy Security?

Why is Sri Lanka Granting India Control Over Our National and Energy Security?

India has strained relations with virtually all of its neighbors. India functions as the modern Asian imperialist. All of India’s neighbors will have dossiers of issues related to incursions, interventions, interferences and covert operations to relate about India. Raising concerns about India’s security issues, India deems it can dictate how its neighbors should function and…