Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump’s Foreign Policy

Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump’s Foreign Policy

Here’s the Commander-in-chief of the Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake School of Foreign Policy, expanding on his next move regarding North Korea. “We are sending an armada. Very powerful. We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That I can tell you.” As if bombing nuclear-armed North Korea would be as much of a…

MOAB: Move Over, America’s Back!

MOAB: Move Over, America’s Back!

Trump dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat against Daesh in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar Province, and the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), nicknamed the “Mother Of All Bombs”, sent the clear signal to Russia, China, and Iran to “Move Over, America’s Back” in Eurasia. The bomb itself has comparatively little utility against Daesh…

Surprise: Trump has Suddenly Found a Way to Use Anti-Russia Talking Points in his Favor

Surprise: Trump has Suddenly Found a Way to Use Anti-Russia Talking Points in his Favor

It’s been 85 days since Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States — and one has to admit, he’s turning out to be the worst Russian agent ever elected to the White House. Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president against Trump was almost entirely fueled by Russophobic hysteria and conspiracy theories. So,…