At the Threshold of War: “The Choice is Not Up To Us Anymore… It is Being Decided Upon at This Very Moment”

At the Threshold of War: “The Choice is Not Up To Us Anymore… It is Being Decided Upon at This Very Moment”

As reported Monday, April 25 on almost all mainstream and alternate news sites, Britain’s Defense Minister Michael Fallon has openly declared that his country will carry out a preemptive nuclear strike even if not attacked, as such: “In the most extreme circumstances we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use…

The First 100 Days of Donald Trump’s Presidency in Military Terms

The First 100 Days of Donald Trump’s Presidency in Military Terms

April 29 marks the 100th day in office of Donald Trump – a man who, unlike many of his predecessors in recent decades, lacks any practical experience serving in the government’s executive or legislative branches, or even in the military. This 45th US president – whose bid for office was supported by military officials and…

The Rise of the Generals

The Rise of the Generals

Has President Donald Trump outsourced foreign policy to the generals? So it would seem. Candidate Trump held out his hand to Vladimir Putin. He rejected further U.S. intervention in Syria other than to smash ISIS. He spoke of getting out and staying out of the misbegotten Middle East wars into which Presidents Bush II and…

MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News

MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News

PSYOP/MISOC targets foreign governments, groups, and individuals. The government program is similar to journalism, a mode of communication that spreads information, but often spins the narrative, according to Colonel Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff of the JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, who gave a lecture on “The MISTRY* of PSYOP:…