Broken America

Broken America

Is this the beginning of the end for the United States of America?  It has been said that a house divided against itself will surely fall, and today we live in a shattered union.  In all my years, I have never seen so much strife, discord, bitterness and resentment in this country.  Everyone can see…

Pentagon Seeks to ‘Surprise’ ISIS with Unannounced Troops Deployments in Iraq & Syria

Pentagon Seeks to ‘Surprise’ ISIS with Unannounced Troops Deployments in Iraq & Syria

The Pentagon wants Islamic State terrorists to be pleasantly surprised by US troop deployments in Iraq and Syria, with Washington apparently adopting a new policy of limiting soldier movement disclosures and resorting to unannounced “temporary” missions. “In order to maintain tactical surprise, ensure operational security and force protection, the coalition will not routinely announce or…

Abandoned at Sea: Europe Keeps Its Rescue Ships Far From the Coast of Libya — Where Thousands of Refugees Have Drowned

Abandoned at Sea: Europe Keeps Its Rescue Ships Far From the Coast of Libya — Where Thousands of Refugees Have Drowned

The rescuers prepare for the calm days, more than the stormy ones. On land in small towns near the Libyan coast, refugees from Africa and the Middle East are crowded into safe houses, waiting for good weather. When the sea quiets, the refugees pack onto rubber dinghies or large wooden fishing vessels and set off in…

Signs of the Times – 5

Signs of the Times – 5

The topic is an “Islamic view of the modern international monetary system and our anticipation of the replacement, in toto, of bogus paper-money with even-more-bogus electronic, digital, virtual money in the not-too-distant future. We should prepare for that monetary Guantanamo by stocking-up on gold and silver coins, and we should also prepare ourselves to defy…