Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?

Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?

Amid the thick fog of (rhetorical) war between Washington and Pyongyang, it’s still possible to detect some fascinating writing on the (unbuilt) wall. A case can be made that President Trump is using North Korea to kick the 24/7 Russia-gate narrative out of the US news cycle. It’s certainly working. After all, in Exceptionalistan weltanschauung, the prospect of war…

China Will Prevent US First Strike Against North Korean Regime

China Will Prevent US First Strike Against North Korean Regime

China will prevent the US and South Korea from carrying out strikes on North Korea and trying to overthrow the leadership there, but will remain neutral if Pyongyang launches missiles at American targets first, the state-run Global Times said. The warning, delivered through an editorial in the Chinese state-run newspaper on Thursday, comes as both…

Avoiding Nuclear War: Why Kim Jong-Un’s Strategy Makes Sense

Avoiding Nuclear War: Why Kim Jong-Un’s Strategy Makes Sense

Looking at the recent North Korean testing of two intercontinental missiles, it may seem that Pyongyang wishes to increase tensions in the region. A more careful analysis, however, shows how the DPRK is implementing a strategy that will likely succeed in averting a disastrous war on the peninsula. In the last four weeks, North Korea seems…