US Military Presence Overseas Mushrooming: Here, There and Everywhere

US Military Presence Overseas Mushrooming: Here, There and Everywhere

Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. The forces use several hundred bases, more than 1,000 if the figure includes overseas warehouse and installations. The US may need more soon, with its presence and involvement in armed conflicts on the rise. It was reported on August 7 that the Pentagon plans to conduct airstrikes…

Armenia Abandoning Russia: Consequences for the Caucasus

Armenia Abandoning Russia: Consequences for the Caucasus

A well-known Kremlin insider has voiced worried concern about Armenia’s participation in several NATO drills lately, signaling that Yerevan might be in the process of a pro-Western pivot which would have very destabilizing consequences for the Caucasus. Markov, The Man Behind The Scenes Sergey Markov is the chairman of Russia’s National Strategic Council and accordingly…

Trump Relishes Annihilation Like a Hors D’Oeuvre

Trump Relishes Annihilation Like a Hors D’Oeuvre

It really is saying something when US President Trump’s latest threat against North Korea draws a rebuke from John McCain – America’s most hawkish lawmaker. McCain said Trump’s comments about striking North Korea with “fire and fury” were not helpful in the current spiral of tensions. Other members of the US Congress deplored Trump’s reckless rhetoric, even comparing the…