With a Little Help from His Friends, Trump Comes to Believe in a Military Victory in Afghanistan

With a Little Help from His Friends, Trump Comes to Believe in a Military Victory in Afghanistan

Never did I imagine that I would endorse anything said by former White House chief schemer Stephen Bannon who was dismissed by President Trump on 18 August. Bannon had advised the president to cease immersion in the hideous shambles in Afghanistan and refrain from committing more troops to a country that is terminally corrupt and whose war…

‘US Doesn’t Want Afghanistan War to End – It’s Cash Cow for Pentagon, Contractors’

‘US Doesn’t Want Afghanistan War to End – It’s Cash Cow for Pentagon, Contractors’

The US is alarmed Pakistan decided Russia has the best chance of being a stabilizing force for a peaceful outcome in Afghanistan: the US doesn’t want to end the war which is a cash cow, says Brian Becker from the anti-war ANSWER coalition. During Donald Trump’s speech on Monday, where he presented the new Afghanistan…