Private Military Companies: How Do You Close Pandora’s Box?

Private Military Companies: How Do You Close Pandora’s Box?

Over the last two decades we have witnessed an abrupt increase in the number of private military companies (PMC) operating across the globe. It’s curious that some of those companies have budgets that far surpass defends budgets of certain independent states. Such conflict zones as Afghanistan and Iraq have for a long time been a…

Balfour 100: Celebrating 100 Years of Injustice and Oppression

Balfour 100: Celebrating 100 Years of Injustice and Oppression

On 7 November, in London’s famous Royal Albert Hall, there’s to be “a unique event drawing Christians and Jews together in celebration of the centenary of the Balfour Declaration and all that it led to.” Christians will be reaching out to support the Jewish community and the state of Israel, or so the organisers claim. “Our vision…

Two-Thirds of US Baby Foods Test Positive for Arsenic, Many Contain Lead & Cadmium

Two-Thirds of US Baby Foods Test Positive for Arsenic, Many Contain Lead & Cadmium

Some 65 percent of baby food products in the US – including four out of five baby formulas – contain traces of the toxin arsenic, a new study has found, but officials say there is little they can do to remove substances that could harm developing infants. The Clean Label Project study of 530 baby products…

US Sends 2 More Aircraft Carriers to Pacific Ahead of Trump’s East Asia Trip

US Sends 2 More Aircraft Carriers to Pacific Ahead of Trump’s East Asia Trip

Two US aircraft carriers along with escort ships have joined the US Navy in the Pacific, ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to East Asia amid soaring tensions around the Korean Peninsula. The announcements on the USS ‘Theodore Roosevelt’ and USS ‘Nimitz’ aircraft carriers, alongside their carrier groups, joining the US 7th Fleet came on…

America Willing to Negotiate with the Taliban?

America Willing to Negotiate with the Taliban?

Hold the cheers! We’ve been down this road before. Nothing came of it, nor will anything now. Washington doesn’t negotiate. It demands. Agreements with other nations and groups are meaningless, usually breached, sometimes straightaway like the Iran nuclear deal, violated by Washington under Obama and Trump. Last August, Tillerson claimed Washington’s “new strategy breaks from…