Be Careful Who You Put Your Trust in When It Comes to Iran Protests

Be Careful Who You Put Your Trust in When It Comes to Iran Protests

The international media has a poor record in reporting protests and uprisings in the wider Middle East since 2011. These complex struggles were presented as simple battles between good and evil, like a scene out of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Surprise and anguish were expressed when the supposed dawning of freedom and democracy in…

Iran in 2018

Iran in 2018

In 1953 Washington and Britain overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a dictator to rule Iran for the benefit of Washington and the British. In declassified documents, the CIA has admitted its role in overthrowing the Iranian government. The overthrow pattern is always the same. Washington hires protesters, then introduces violence,…

Trump Offloads Foreign Policy Problems – Lets EU Grow a Spine

Trump Offloads Foreign Policy Problems – Lets EU Grow a Spine

The U.S. is more and more isolated in international politics and even Europe is growing some spine and implements an independent foreign policy. U.S. imperialists are miffed but can do little about it. This development may well be part of Trump’s plan of “Making America Great Again”. After Trump declared that the U.S. sees Jerusalem…

From ‘Russian Meddling’ to Iran Regime Change: Social Media as Tools of US Policy

From ‘Russian Meddling’ to Iran Regime Change: Social Media as Tools of US Policy

As US-based social media companies crack down on dissent at home in the name of fighting phantom ‘Russian meddling,’ Washington seeks to leverage them for regime change in places like Iran. If social media platform Twitter can ban German politicians for incitement (of race hate), then why doesn’t it apply the same sanction on President…