Russia’s New Outlook on Libya: Foreign Intervention was Bad But Gaddafi’s Overthrow was an Internal Affair

Russia’s New Outlook on Libya: Foreign Intervention was Bad But Gaddafi’s Overthrow was an Internal Affair

The two-day conference on “Russia in the Middle East: Playing on all Fields” that was hosted by Russia’s elite Valdai Club saw the annunciation of a strikingly new policy towards Libya, one which replaces Moscow’s previous stance of condemning Gaddafi’s ouster with “pragmatically” “accepting” it as an internal affair. Lev Dengov, the Head of the…

15 Side Effects and Benefits of Chia Seeds

15 Side Effects and Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are undoubtedly one of today’s most popular superfoods among the health conscious. They’re an easy-to-digest source of protein, healthy fats, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which makes for a versatile (and mildly flavored) ingredient that can be quickly incorporated into a wide variety of recipes. They’re especially useful for making a gel…