As the West & the Russia/China Axis Lock Horns, Israel Will Have to Make Its Choice

As the West & the Russia/China Axis Lock Horns, Israel Will Have to Make Its Choice

A recent cluster of unrelated events is bringing Israel to a point of inflection; or at least, to a moment of deep almost existential reflection – on this, the seventieth anniversary of its founding. The depth of this quite anxious introspection became explicit in a discussion (Hebrew original) hosted by Yediot Ahronoth, Israel’s widest circulation Hebrew newspaper, with…

Macron Might Trap France in a Malian-Like Quagmire in Northern Syria

Macron Might Trap France in a Malian-Like Quagmire in Northern Syria

France declared that it’s dispatching troop to northern Syria in support of the Kurds President Macron announced Paris’ unprecedented decision after meeting with Kurdish leaders in the French capital last week, a move that was summarily denounced by Ankara as “crossing the line” and amounting to the Western European country supporting terrorism through what Turkey…

China’s Answer to US Activities in the South China Sea

China’s Answer to US Activities in the South China Sea

The latest developments in the South China Sea indicate that the situation there continues to develop in an increasingly dangerous direction for regional and international security. The American-Chinese rivalry for domination in this region of the world is taking on larger and more dangerous forms. Americans demonstrated their power first: an American aircraft carrier, the…