Pompeo Might Have Pulled the Plug on Armenian-Iranian Trade

Pompeo Might Have Pulled the Plug on Armenian-Iranian Trade

These two long-running civilizational allies might abruptly see their age-old economic relations disappear after Pompeo threatened to sanction anyone who defies the US’ unilaterally implemented punitive measures against the Islamic Republic, and the long-term geostrategic implications of this move could be as far reaching as provoking a more pronounced Chinese-Indian maritime rivalry. New Secretary of…

Credible Report Alleges US Relocates ISIS from Syria and Iraq into Russia via Afghanistan

Credible Report Alleges US Relocates ISIS from Syria and Iraq into Russia via Afghanistan

Katehon, a think-tank dedicated to the protection of nations’ sovereignty against invasions and coups from abroad, headlined, on May 15th, “Special Services Agent: Attack on Russia Is Being Prepared”, and reported that [with editorial clarifications and links supplied by me in brackets]: According to Russian and Chinese law enforcement agencies, militants fleeing by sea from Syria and Iraq…

Does Trump Regime Intend Full-Scale War on Syria?

Does Trump Regime Intend Full-Scale War on Syria?

In 2007 at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark (image below) said America underwent a post-9/11 transformation – his address on YouTube deleted. A “policy coup” occurred, he said. With no public debate or acknowledgement, hardliners usurped power. From Pentagon commanders, Clark learned about plans to “destroy the governments in seven countries,”…

China’s Investment Trap has Become a Major Concern in Central Asia

China’s Investment Trap has Become a Major Concern in Central Asia

Perhaps the most curious topic of today’s Central Asian agenda is the growing dependence of local states on Chinese loans, which would often be referred to in regional media sources as “means of neocolonialism.” In recent years, China has visibly stepped up its involvement in the affairs of Central Asia states, taking advantage of both…