Does Anybody Really Believe That Iran’s “Advisors” Are Unarmed Non-Combatants?

Does Anybody Really Believe That Iran’s “Advisors” Are Unarmed Non-Combatants?

The controversy over Iranian “advisors” in Syria and their actual battlefield function is nothing more than a word game designed to delay the “phased withdrawal” of Tehran’s forces. The US, “Israel”, and even Russia have called for the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria, albeit for different reasons and expressed in different ways, though Damascus…

Is There Method to Donald Trump’s Supposed Madness on Trade?

Is There Method to Donald Trump’s Supposed Madness on Trade?

It would be an understatement to suggest that Trump’s decision to slap higher tariffs on practically everybody – has outraged almost everyone: most of the business community, foreign governments, media and experts from all fields. President Donald Trump, it is said, is unleashing a global trade war, which is already beginning with promised retaliatory measures…

Syria’s Upcoming Constitutional Commission will be about “Decentralization”

Syria’s Upcoming Constitutional Commission will be about “Decentralization”

Syria recently announced that it has handed over to its Russian and Iranian Astana partners a list of experts to participate in the upcoming UN-supervised “constitutional commission”. This is an important milestone in the peace process because it proves that President Assad was sincere when he told his Russian counterpart in Sochi last month about…