Israel Wants to Turn Filming of Its Crimes Into a Crime

Israel Wants to Turn Filming of Its Crimes Into a Crime

In the aftermath of numerous tragic incidents in which Israeli human rights NGOs and Palestinian activists have documented the maiming and execution of Palestinian suspects by security forces, a ministerial committee has approved a new bill criminalising such filming. They did this despite the attorney-general criticising the bill for its extensive legal defects. Notes accompanying…

Does Trump Really Think That China Hasn’t Identified His “Negotiating” Pattern?

Does Trump Really Think That China Hasn’t Identified His “Negotiating” Pattern?

Donald Trump has just threatened to implement a new round of tariffs on Chinese goods as Beijing is making plans to implement a 25% tariff on a variety of US imports valued at $50 billion. China’s new tariffs are of course a mirror of those which Trump imposed on Chinese imports to the US last…

A Neocon Senate Coup Against Trump’s Foreign Policy?

A Neocon Senate Coup Against Trump’s Foreign Policy?

The bright line that separates Donald Trump’s foreign policy from his predecessors is the question of regime change. Between the collapse of communism in 1989 and the departure of the Obama Administration, the American foreign policy establishment embraced the “end of history” premise that liberal democracy would replace all the autocracies of the past, and…

It’s Time to Start Getting Enraged At What Western Imperialists Have Done to Syria

It’s Time to Start Getting Enraged At What Western Imperialists Have Done to Syria

Rumors are again swirling of an impending false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria, just as they did shortly before the highly suspiciousDouma case in April. Warnings from Syrian and Russian intelligence, as well as US war ship movements and an uptick in US funding for the Al Qaeda propaganda firm known as the White Helmets,…