US Exempts Israeli and Its Own High Crimes from Accountability

US Exempts Israeli and Its Own High Crimes from Accountability

Throughout their history, Washington and Israel were never held accountable for endless high crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. Hegemons make their own rules, doing whatever they please, ignoring rule of law principles with impunity – how America always operates, waging endless wars on humanity, seeking dominance over planet earth, its resources and populations….

US Trade War with China Back On?

US Trade War with China Back On?

In early April, the Trump regime appeared heading toward trade war with China – a scheme aiming to harm Beijing economically, unrelated to producing more domestic jobs if pursued. Fewer imports from China would increase them from other low-wage countries. US manufacturing jobs created are increasingly performed by robots in many cases. Beijing wants cooperative…

Russia’s Advancing Multipolarity in Africa Through Mozambique

Russia’s Advancing Multipolarity in Africa Through Mozambique

Russia’s strategic reengagement with Mozambique will strengthen multipolarity in Africa by providing a much-needed alternative to the US and China. The recently concluded Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) saw the signing of many major deals with large countries and companies, but it was the lesser-discussed ones with comparatively smaller states that might actually be…

Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism

Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism

The European peoples whose governments were paid to sell out the sovereignty of their nations to the EU are experiencing great difficulties in being permitted to govern themselves. As the result of Italians’ frustration with the self-serving elite who have ruled Italy for decades, the recent democratic elections in Italy brought to power two anti-establishment…

Mapping Erik Prince’s Private Mercenary Empire

Mapping Erik Prince’s Private Mercenary Empire

Erik Prince, the brain behind the infamous private military firm Blackwater, is now in China training security forces. Prince is partially responsible for modernizing the private army for the post 9/11 world, outsourcing militaries to cheap, specialized labor pools and skirting traditional regulations meant to ensure accountability for armed forces. His journey from hiring mercenaries…

The Doctrine of Superior People: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism

The Doctrine of Superior People: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism

Introduction: The single greatest feat of Israel and its overseas missions has not been material success, or the military conquest of millions of unarmed Palestinians, it has been ideological – the widespread acceptance in the US of a doctrine that claims ‘Jews are a superior people’. Apart from small extremist rightwing sects who exhibit visceral…