United States of Anger: Liberals Are Killing Comedy in the Age of Trump

United States of Anger: Liberals Are Killing Comedy in the Age of Trump

The level of political rhetoric ripping through the US has hit such a fever pitch that even the world of comedy has been weaponized for political gain. As a result, comedy is no longer a laughing matter for many Americans. If ever the United States of Anger needed an industrial-size dose of comic relief injected…

President Assad’s Amnesty Decree Is Helpful, But Not Everyone Will Follow It

President Assad’s Amnesty Decree Is Helpful, But Not Everyone Will Follow It

The world should welcome President Assad’s latest decree granting amnesty to military deserters inside and outside of the country, but observers shouldn’t forget that it isn’t a new initiative and might therefore not be observed by the parties that matter most because they ignored his government’s identical outreaches over the past couple of years. Europe’s…

The Molestation of Earth

The Molestation of Earth

This past year’s reckoning against powerful men in the United States whose alleged abuses have been reported on nearly every day by the corporate media has made me reflect on a performance by artist Marina Abramovic done in 1974. Filmed on camera, she stood in a room for six hours and allowed the audience to…