The ‘America Last’ Express Hurtles On: Saudi Arabia, INF, Ukraine

The ‘America Last’ Express Hurtles On: Saudi Arabia, INF, Ukraine

As the façade of 2016 Candidate Donald Trump’s promised “America First” continues to crumble away, the baked-into-the-cake pathologies of the foreign and security policy “experts” who monopolize President Trump’s administration plunge forward along their predetermined paths. Any realistic notion of American national interests comes last after the priorities of – well, pretty much everyone else with…

Shifting Middle Eastern Sands Spotlight Diverging US-Saudi Interests

Shifting Middle Eastern Sands Spotlight Diverging US-Saudi Interests

A series of Gulf and Middle East-related developments suggest that resolving some of the Middle East’s most debilitating and devastating crises while ensuring that efforts to pressure Iran do not perpetuate the mayhem may be easier said than done. They also suggest that the same is true for keeping US and Saudi interests aligned. Optimists…

Life at Trump Speed

Life at Trump Speed

I took my first hit of speed in 1970 during my freshman year in college. That little white pill — Dexedrine — was a revelation. It made whatever I was doing absolutely fascinating. Amphetamine sharpened my focus and banished all appetites except a hunger for knowledge. I spent that entire night writing 35 pages of…

The Relentless Censorship of Anti-Zionist Jews

The Relentless Censorship of Anti-Zionist Jews

Tony Greenstein is slowly but surely being disappeared from the internet. A renowned anti-Zionist Jew who has long been active in the Palestine solidarity movement and on the wider political left, Greenstein is being censored by powerful American internet companies. In the latest incident, his account on Twitter has been “suspended”, the company’s misleading euphemism…

The Russia-Pakistan Railway Could Complement or Even Replace the North South Transport Corridor (NSTC)

The Russia-Pakistan Railway Could Complement or Even Replace the North South Transport Corridor (NSTC)

The establishment of a financial consortium and joint working group between the railway administrations of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan could one day lead to the creation of a Russia-Pakistan (RuPak) railway via Central Asia that would complement the Indo-Iranian North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) to Russia but also potentially replace it in the event…

The UAE will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa

The UAE will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa

The announcement that the UAE and India signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly invest in Africa will see Dubai greatly assisting New Delhi in its grand strategy of “multi-aligning” against China there, though Russia could play a stabilizing role by “balancing” many of the various actors engaged in this modern-day “Scramble for Africa”. “Scramble…