Pompeo’s ‘Pandora’s Box’

Pompeo’s ‘Pandora’s Box’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, taking advantage of political bedlam inside the Donald Trump White House, has busied himself with “regime change” in Venezuela. Pompeo, working with National Security Adviser John Bolton and Iran-contra felon and arch-neo-conservative Elliott Abrams, worked secretly with Venezuela’s self-proclaimed “interim president,” Juan Guaido, to overthrow that nation’s duly-elected president, Nicolas…

A Venezuelan Coup could Challenge OPEC+ and Build “Fortress America”

A Venezuelan Coup could Challenge OPEC+ and Build “Fortress America”

The Bolivarian Republic is experiencing an unprecedented crisis after the US and many of its Latin American allies from the so-called “Lima Group” recognized Juan Guaidó as the country’s “interim president”. The 35-year-old head of the National Assembly seemingly came out of nowhere in his meteoric rise to power and symbolically declared himself the head…

Neocon Bolton Is Committed to Punishing Apostates Who Dare Resist the Writ of Washington

Neocon Bolton Is Committed to Punishing Apostates Who Dare Resist the Writ of Washington

“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad,” are words delivered to us from history. When contemplating them today John Bolton springs to mind. All joking aside, Trump’s national security adviser is to international diplomacy what the Hunchback of Notre Dame was to Pilates. Though reports that he is regularly driven to his office…

The “MAGA Hat Kids” Are the Real Victims of Racism

The “MAGA Hat Kids” Are the Real Victims of Racism

America was left bitterly divided after a decontextualized video went viral last weekend portraying a group of MAGA-hat-wearing Catholic high school students as unabashed racists having the time of their lives mocking a drum-beating Native American in front of the Lincoln Memorial, but the truth turned out to be very different than how the situation…

Regime Change in Africa. Rival Rumblings In West and Central Africa

Regime Change in Africa. Rival Rumblings In West and Central Africa

Riotous protesters briefly stormed the Cameroonian Embassies in Paris and Berlin over the weekend in an attempt to raise global awareness about the rolling regime change campaign back in their homeland following the reelection of President Biya to his seventh consecutive term in office late last year, possibly forcing France to choose sides in decisively…