Empire Unravelling: Will Huawei Become Washington’s Suez?

Empire Unravelling: Will Huawei Become Washington’s Suez?

America’s full-spectrum campaign against Chinese tech leader Huawei is coming spectacularly undone. Curtains are imminent for Washington’s tawdriest global offensive in recent memory – featuring open extortion, kidnapping, demonization and intimidation of both friends and foes. The signs were apparent as early as two months ago, when many governments worldwide lukewarmly greeted US calls for…

No, Dual Loyalty Isn’t Okay

No, Dual Loyalty Isn’t Okay

The Solons on Capitol Hill are terrified of the expression “dual loyalty.” They are afraid because dual loyalty means that one is not completely a loyal citizen of the country where one was born, raised and, presumably, prospered. It also suggests something more perverse, and that is dual citizenship, which in its present historic and…