Essential History to Understand the Present: Obvious and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression on Gaza by Israel

Essential History to Understand the Present: Obvious and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression on Gaza by Israel

It’s worth ten minutes of reading to distinguish game-changing facts from constant media and “official” spin lying to justify unlawful War of Aggression by Israel on Gaza. Given the public’s general confusion, the following alternative media reporting is crucial to understand because it contrasts the lack of reporting from corporate media and US political “leadership.” This is…

Lebanon Decides to Confront Israel and the US

Lebanon Decides to Confront Israel and the US

Lebanese Judge Ahmad Mezherhas given orders that a survey be conducted of Lebanese occupied territories in the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba, Huneen, Ideise and Bleeda. These villages are bordering Hasbaiya, Rashaya al-Fukhar and Kiyam and have been under Israeli occupation since 1981, as Syria’s Golan Heights have been since 1967. This step coincides with the illegal “gift”…

Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards

Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards

The recent announcement by United States President Donald Trump that the US will recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights draws attention yet again to the double standards applied by NATO and its satraps including Australia to the issues of territorial integrity, the right to self-determination, and international law. Three cases illustrate the duplicity and…

The US’ Omani Base Deal Aims to Cut Off S-CPEC+’s Sea Lines of Communication

The US’ Omani Base Deal Aims to Cut Off S-CPEC+’s Sea Lines of Communication

The American Embassy in Oman announced that the US clinched a deal to use the Mideast country’s air and naval facilities in the strategic ports of Duqm and Salalah, which the Mainstream and Alternative Medias portrayed as being connected to “containing” Iran when it actually has much more to do with “containing” Pakistan and China….