Shielding the World from US Chaos Is No Easy Task

Shielding the World from US Chaos Is No Easy Task

Donald Trump’s foreign policy relies heavily on putting to use to the tools available to the Empire: economic terrorism, threats of war, diplomatic pressure, trade wars, etc. But in resorting to tried-and-true imperialism, it is isolating itself internationally from traditional allies and raising tensions on the global chessboard to an unprecedented level. Threats of war…

Liberate Syria’s Idlib, Precisely for the Civilians that America Fakes Concern Over

Liberate Syria’s Idlib, Precisely for the Civilians that America Fakes Concern Over

Western media and politicians are crying for Al-Qaeda in Syria again. It doesn’t get much more absurd than this! Since then, eastern Ghouta towns have returned to normality, with the Syrian government reopening schools formerly closed or used as terrorist headquarters. And with the return of normality there came too the return of media silence,…

May’s Resignation Will Do Nothing to Arrest Britain’s Decline

May’s Resignation Will Do Nothing to Arrest Britain’s Decline

There is a story about an enthusiastic American who took a phlegmatic English friend to see the Niagara Falls. “Isn’t that amazing?” exclaimed the American. “Look at that vast mass of water dashing over that enormous cliff!” “But what,” asked the Englishman, “is to stop it?” My father, Claud Cockburn, used to tell this fable…