A Lost Drone Is No Justification for War with Iran, Even for Trump’s Squawking Hawks

A Lost Drone Is No Justification for War with Iran, Even for Trump’s Squawking Hawks

Helen of Troy was apparently pretty hot, so while I’m not condoning it, you can at least sympathize with King Menelaus for launching a war on Troy when he lost her. But launching a war over a drone? I know these war drones are expensive, and who knows, perhaps it is easy to get attached…

June Madness Strikes Washington. Iranians, Russians and Britons Beware!

June Madness Strikes Washington. Iranians, Russians and Britons Beware!

It has been a lively June so far in light of Washington’s apparent zeal to remake the world in its own image. There is considerable buzz among those networking in ex- or current government circles that the White House is preparing to “do something” about Iran. The recent incidents involving alleged attacks on Norwegian and…

Annexation: How Israel Already Controls More Than Half of the West Bank

Annexation: How Israel Already Controls More Than Half of the West Bank

A state of de facto annexation already exists on the ground in most of the occupied West Bank. Almost two-thirds of the Palestinian territory, including most of its most fertile and resource-rich land, is under full Israeli control. About 400,000 Jewish settlers living there enjoy the full rights and privileges of Israeli citizens. At least 60…