Welcome to London – the Bump Capital of the Old World

Welcome to London – the Bump Capital of the Old World

Previously, we have examined in much detail the influence that the recreational use of mind-altering substances might have had on the decision making capabilities of certain British politicians. Curiously enough, both the British media personalities and politicians would no longer try to make a drug addiction they share a secret anymore. But it seems that weed…

Pompeo Might Have the Perfect Carrot to Dangle in Front of Modi’s Mouth

Pompeo Might Have the Perfect Carrot to Dangle in Front of Modi’s Mouth

The US is planning to include India on its International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) list in order to place it at par with its NATO allies, “Israel”, and a few others for the export of high-level military technologies, which could be the perfect carrot for Pompeo to dangle in front of Modi’s mouth during…

A Retired Russian Colonel Shared a Surprising Observation about South Asia with RT

A Retired Russian Colonel Shared a Surprising Observation about South Asia with RT

Mikhail Khodarenok, a retired colonel who’s held many high-level positions all across the Russian security sphere during his several decades of service, proved that his country’s previous political taboo on calling out India’s military-strategic alliance with America is over after sharing his remarkably frank assessment with RT that his country’s Soviet-era partner is “increasingly drifting…

Who killed Mohamed Morsi?

Who killed Mohamed Morsi?

Egypt’s first democratically elected president met an end as dramatic as his one and only year in power. The date alone on which it happened is significant. Mohamed Morsi died on 17 June, seven years to the day from the second round of his presidential election.  For all of his time in prison, Morsi was…

Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan to End U.S. Dominance in Middle East

Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan to End U.S. Dominance in Middle East

Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin’s early June 2019 summit in Moscow with People’s Republic of China (PRC) Pres. Xi Jinping seems likely to have a disproportionate influence on the next phases of the crises unfolding in the greater Middle East, and therefore on the future of the region. The escalating confrontation between Iran and the US is both…