Vietnam Called China Out for Mislabeling Its Products to Get Around Trump’s Tariffs

Vietnam Called China Out for Mislabeling Its Products to Get Around Trump’s Tariffs

Vietnam accused China of exploiting a loophole to mislabel its products as being made in the Southeast Asian country in order to get around the US’ recently imposed tariffs, with its Foreign Minister warning that urgent action is necessary in order to avoid retributive American tariffs and possibly setting a precedent for what other third-party…

Trump Thinks US Oil Is His Strength When It’s His Achilles’ Heel

Trump Thinks US Oil Is His Strength When It’s His Achilles’ Heel

Headlines abound about the massive surge in US shale oil production. The energy independence-cheering punditocracy hail this as a great victory. This includes President Trump. And it would be if this surge in production was built on financially stable ground. But it isn’t. The fracking industry continues to bleed massive amounts of cash. As I…

India & Israel are Officially Diplomatic Allies at the UN

India & Israel are Officially Diplomatic Allies at the UN

India broke with decades of its post-independence political traditions by unprecedentedly supporting “Israel” at the UN and voting against granting consultative status to a Palestinian NGO that allegedly has ties with Hamas, therefore formally allying with the self-professed “Jewish State” at the this global body and confirming that Modi’s second term in office will see…