The Unipolar Moment is Over

The Unipolar Moment is Over

Something extraordinary began with a short walk in St. Petersburg last Friday. After a stroll, they took a boat on the Neva River, visited the legendary Aurora cruiser, and dropped in to examine the Renaissance masterpieces at the Hermitage. Cool, calm, collected, all the while it felt like they were mapping the ins and outs…

Jared Kushner’s ‘Deal of the Century’ was Designed to Fail from the Start

Jared Kushner’s ‘Deal of the Century’ was Designed to Fail from the Start

US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and Middle East peace negotiator, Jared Kushner, doesn’t give many interviews – so when he does, the media is not only riveted, but poised to pounce. And pounce certain segments of the US media did, after Kushner’s HBO Axios interview on 2 June.  Slate published a piece under the headline:…

The US-Mexican Deal Advances “Fortress America”, Softens China’s “Counter-Sanctions”

The US-Mexican Deal Advances “Fortress America”, Softens China’s “Counter-Sanctions”

The deal that Trump struck with Mexico late last week in order to prevent the imposition of 5-25% tariffs on all of its exports to the US marketplace simultaneously advances his vision of “Fortress America” and softens the blow of China’s counter-sanctions by making Mexico his country’s “Lead From Behind” security partner in Central America’s…

American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence

American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence

Some may remember that in 2005 a major media controversy engulfed Harvard President Larry Summers over his remarks at an academic conference. Casually speaking off-the-record at the private gathering, Summers had gingerly raised the hypothetical possibility that on average men might be a bit better at mathematics than women, perhaps partially explaining the far larger…

Pompeo Declares War (Again). This Time on Her Majesty’s Opposition

Pompeo Declares War (Again). This Time on Her Majesty’s Opposition

Foreign interference in other people’s elections is rightly abhorred by all who care about national sovereignty and the principle of non-interference in other people’s internal affairs. More so surely when the country in question is not just your ally but, as expressed repeatedly by US President Donald Trump on his recent state visit to the…

Uh… What Did Pompeo Mean When He Vowed to “Push Back” Against Corbyn?

Uh… What Did Pompeo Mean When He Vowed to “Push Back” Against Corbyn?

An audio recording from a private meeting that was leaked to The Washington Post reportedly features US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowing to “push back” against surging British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and many are concerned that what he said sounds an awful lot like a top US official promising to interfere in the UK’s democratic process….