I Desperately Want to See an End to Israel’s Abuse of Palestinians

I Desperately Want to See an End to Israel’s Abuse of Palestinians

Just two months since Netanyahu’s Likud party was re-elected with its biggest-ever number of seats, Israel has been thrown into chaos because he has failed to put together a coalition. Netanyahu has now called for another election to be held on September 17. There is still no guarantee that it can create a parliament capable…

What Does Avigdor Lieberman Know?

What Does Avigdor Lieberman Know?

The resignation, on 14 November 2018, of Avigdor Lieberman, Minister for Defence of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, triggered a major political crisis in Israël. Legislative elections were held in advance, but they were not enough to unite a new majority in the Knesset (Parliament). Since no government was formed within five weeks, new legislative elections were…

The 75th Anniversary of the Allied D-Day Liberation of Nazi-Occupied Western Europe. Russia was Not Invited

The 75th Anniversary of the Allied D-Day Liberation of Nazi-Occupied Western Europe. Russia was Not Invited

The decision not to invite President Putin to attend the 75th D-Day commemoration event was a civilizational provocation aimed at dividing the European Allies during World War II and reinforcing the historically revised notion that the Soviet Union was an “accidental ally” during the conflict. Over a dozen world leaders assembled on Wednesday in the…