US-China Economic Warfare: Chinese Enterprises Blacklisted by the US

US-China Economic Warfare: Chinese Enterprises Blacklisted by the US

The US considers China a strategic adversary. Waging war on the China by other means makes reconciling major bilateral differences all the harder. According to a US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) document, 143 tech-related Chinese enterprises have been blacklisted from the US market. They include companies involved in producing aviation related products,…

“Repolonization” of the Media would Break Germany’s Infowar Yoke Over Poland

“Repolonization” of the Media would Break Germany’s Infowar Yoke Over Poland

Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister pledged that the ruling Law & Justice Party (PiS) would “repolonize” his country’s media if it won the upcoming elections this fall, which would break Germany’s infowar yoke over the Central European state and go a long way towards making the EuroRealists’ dream of bloc-wide structural reform an eventual reality. Germany’s…

Escalating Color Revolution: The “Georgian Dream” Might Turn into an American Nightmare

Escalating Color Revolution: The “Georgian Dream” Might Turn into an American Nightmare

The ruling “Georgian Dream” party of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia is at risk of falling in the face of an ever-escalating Color Revolution that was preplanned to coincide with the symbolic visit of a Russian parliamentarian during the ongoing Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy meeting in the South Caucasian country’s capital, possibly giving way…