The End of Modern Diplomacy

The End of Modern Diplomacy

Modern diplomacy can generally be traced back to the late 19th century and the intercession of professional diplomats in the foreign relations between major and minor powers of the era. International negotiations to resolve problems were primarily handled by diplomats prior to politicians giving their assent to peace treaties and compacts. The Congress of Berlin…

Get Out of My Face! Facial Recognition Technology could Enslave Mankind Like Never Before

Get Out of My Face! Facial Recognition Technology could Enslave Mankind Like Never Before

Advertised as the latest tool to give shoppers more convenience, facial recognition comes with deep costs to privacy and security. But can anyone remember Silicon Valley asking for permission to use your face? Mankind has long feared that some totalitarian state, as vividly described by visionary writers like George Orwell (1984), Aldous Huxley (Brave New…