Bolivia’s Boiling With Color Revolution Unrest

Bolivia’s Boiling With Color Revolution Unrest

The narrow re-election of long-serving Bolivian President Evo Morales earlier this month during the first round of voting has been exploited by his internal and external foes alike as the trigger event for inciting preplanned Color Revolution unrest in this lithium-rich landlocked socialist state. *** Bolivia’s boiling with Color Revolution unrest after the narrow re-election…

Experts Say Beijing Is NOT Engaged in ‘Debt Trap Diplomacy’, But Anti-China Propaganda Is Relentless

Experts Say Beijing Is NOT Engaged in ‘Debt Trap Diplomacy’, But Anti-China Propaganda Is Relentless

A new report has shed some light on predominantly western critiques of China’s foreign policy strategy, particularly in the Pacific; and it has put to rest an issue which has dominated media discourse for some time now. The Australian – a prominent Australian-based media outlet – published an article last weekend claiming that a “Chinese…

Electoral Euthanasia in the UK: The Grim Reaper of Liberalism Is Stalking

Electoral Euthanasia in the UK: The Grim Reaper of Liberalism Is Stalking

Britain’s liberal europhiles, still convinced that they lost the Brexit vote because ‘Workington Men’ are too old and stupid to appreciate their virtues, would rather euthanize them from the ballot box. That political discourse has coarsened during this century can scarcely be gainsaid. The availability of the means to insult people without looking them in…

Donald Trump and the Ten Commandments (Plus One) of the National Security State

Donald Trump and the Ten Commandments (Plus One) of the National Security State

Let us stipulate at the outset that Donald Trump is a vulgar and dishonest fraud without a principled bone in his corpulent frame. Yet history is nothing if not a tale overflowing with irony. Despite his massive shortcomings, President Trump appears intent on recalibrating America’s role in the world. Initiating a long-overdue process of aligning…

Book Review: Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF

Book Review: Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF

No other financial organization has affected the lives of the majority of the world’s population more profoundly over the past fifty years than the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Since its inception after World War II, it has expanded its sphere of influence to the remotest corners of the earth. Its membership currently includes 188 countries…