Pompeo Scorns the Law Because He’s Never Had to Follow It

Pompeo Scorns the Law Because He’s Never Had to Follow It

Michael Pompeo – let’s use his real name – was very revealing when he ripped up the latest bit of international law which didn’t favour Donald Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu in the Middle East. Jewish colonies in the West Bank were not against international law. “Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law…

Britain, Land of Tea and Torture

Britain, Land of Tea and Torture

British politics is presently mired in the second general election campaign in three years, thanks to the grinding parliamentary impasse precipitated by Brexit. One of the most important features of the clamor surrounding Brexit is that very few other political issues are getting the sustained scrutiny they demand, or rather, that every piece of current…

The US’ Snide Remarks About CPEC Are Driven by Double Standards

The US’ Snide Remarks About CPEC Are Driven by Double Standards

Wells’ snide remarks were obviously driven by double standards whereby the US diplomat is making it clear that only Western loans to developing countries are allowed, not Chinese ones. *** Alice Wells, the US’ Acting Assistance Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, delivered some very snide remarks about CPEC last week while speaking…

Bereft Of Soft Power, India Stands Diminished In Hindu Kush And Central Asia

Bereft Of Soft Power, India Stands Diminished In Hindu Kush And Central Asia

The dichotomy between the regime policy and public opinion is nowhere near as sharp as in the world of diplomacy. And nowhere in the contemporary situation is this maxim so sharply visible as in the dalliance of the West Asian oligarchies with Israel. The romance began at least a decade ago — perhaps, more —…

China vs US: Who’s Going to Get an Upper Hand in the Middle East?

China vs US: Who’s Going to Get an Upper Hand in the Middle East?

The defining feature of today’s geopolitical reality is the reorganization of global order with new alignments, new divisions and new forces replacing former norms. At the turn of the century, the situation on the international stage became shaky and unstable, with massive shifts occurrying in the structure of interstate relations. As China began gaining more and more strength, transforming itself into a major player on the world stage, the existing bilateral ties between China and…

Bibi’s Get-out-of-Jail Card… War With Iran

Bibi’s Get-out-of-Jail Card… War With Iran

It seems more than coincidence that as the legal noose tightens around Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, Israeli military have suddenly stepped up air strikes on Iranian forces based in Syria. Playing the strongman role on national security and winning another term as prime minister would stave off prosecution over pending corruption charges. If Netanyahu…