How Trump’s “Peace” Plan Will Redraw Israel’s Borders to Exclude to Non-Jews

How Trump’s “Peace” Plan Will Redraw Israel’s Borders to Exclude to Non-Jews

Qalansawe, Palestine: one of ten towns slated by Donald’s Trump’s Middle East “Peace” Plan to be transferred from Israel to a future Palestinian state. To fully understand what this means, it is helpful to see Palestinians as though they exist within a totem pole that was created by Israel. There are different levels of existence…

The Forgotten Judeo-Muslim-Christian Alliance and China’s Silk Road

The Forgotten Judeo-Muslim-Christian Alliance and China’s Silk Road

Last week’s messy announcement of the US-Israeli Peace Plan for the Middle East was always destined to fail. The proposed Palestinian borders, although territorially enlarged, are entirely patchy and un-workable, as are the military concessions demanded by Israel. Ultimately a two state solution is still the only viable option for peace, but something more is…