The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War

The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War

There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of ‘low-yield’ and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon. In a way their argument is comparable to that of the band of starry-eyed optimists who thought, apparently seriously, that there could be such…

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp: New Hires Will All be Israel’s Poodles

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp: New Hires Will All be Israel’s Poodles

The appointment of U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as interim Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position that he will apparently hold simultaneously with the ambassadorship, has been criticized from all sides due to his inexperience, history of bad judgement and partisanship. The White House is now claiming that he will be replaced by…

Why’s Anyone Shocked That Putin Listened to Erdogan and ‘Stepped Aside’ in Idlib?

Why’s Anyone Shocked That Putin Listened to Erdogan and ‘Stepped Aside’ in Idlib?

All credible reports indicate that the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) are giving the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) an unprecedented pounding after President Putin seemingly listened to President Erodgan’s request yesterday and “stepped aside” in Idlib so that the two neighboring countries can finally fight one another face-to-face, but nobody should be shocked by any of…

Muslim Haters Flock Together

Muslim Haters Flock Together

President Donald Trump’s 36-hour whirlwind visit to India this past week was designed to show Americans just how adored abroad their president really is. Unluckily for Trump, his campaign stop at this behemoth nation of 1.3 or 1.4 billion proved a fiasco. First came the terrifying Chinese coronavirus that so far has killed less people…