Blaming the Victim Is the West’s Latest Infowar Tactic Against China

Blaming the Victim Is the West’s Latest Infowar Tactic Against China

Fewer and fewer people believe Western officials and their media, which is the West’s own fault for confusing their targeted audience with the mixed messages that they disseminated about COVID-19 over the past couple of months. It was an epic mistake for them to underestimate their people’s intelligence by assuming that they’ll automatically forget who…

Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606

Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606

There are many conspiracy theories – some believe that reptilians are running the US government and others believe that Coca-Cola uses the blood of Christian babies to produce its soft drinks. There are people who have seen “chemtrails” and others who advocate wearing tinfoil hats when watching television to protect from destructive brainwashing waves. Often,…

Back to the Future: ‘Evil Communist’ Bogeyman Returns

Back to the Future: ‘Evil Communist’ Bogeyman Returns

U.S. pundits and politicians have with gusto taken to dusting off an old bogeyman – “evil communism” – in reference to China over the Covid-19 pandemic. Such retrograde rhetoric shows how politically bankrupt Washington is. Leading the charge is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who hardly ever now refers to China simply as “China” in…

Turkey’s “Mask Diplomacy” Mends Bad Relations with U.S.

Turkey’s “Mask Diplomacy” Mends Bad Relations with U.S.

A letter from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to U.S. President Donald Trump accompanied medical supplies sent to the U.S. from Turkey. There is little hiding that the U.S. is the most affected country from the coronavirus pandemic with over a million cases and about 60,000 deaths. Turkey too is also struggling with the coronavirus,…

Iraq Facing a Great US Threat: Expanding the US’ “Harir” Military Base in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iraq Facing a Great US Threat: Expanding the US’ “Harir” Military Base in Iraqi Kurdistan

No country could fail to be shaken by the kind of profound struggle between all its political groups that currently prevails in Iraq. The US does not need to make any great effort to sow discord between the parties because they are currently intrinsically fragmented. The removal of Major General Qassim Suleimani from the Iraqi…

Pompeo: US Knows Nada

Pompeo: US Knows Nada

All the American bluster blaming China for the Covid-19 pandemic is empty posturing. How do we know? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just admitted it on public TV this week. Pompeo was asked about the origin of the virus and, specifically, US claims about it being leaked from a laboratory. Here’s what he told Fox…