The Global Political Project Imposed on the Occasion of COVID-19

The Global Political Project Imposed on the Occasion of COVID-19

Regardless of whether the Covid-19 epidemic is natural or has been provoked, it offers an opportunity for a transnational group to suddenly impose its political project without discussion or even exposure. Within a few weeks we have seen so-called democratic states suspend fundamental freedoms: prohibiting people from leaving their homes, participating in meetings and demonstrations,…

One World Under Corona?

One World Under Corona?

The American Pledge of Allegiance ends with the words: “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Two and a half centuries after its drafting, few Americans realize that it is only by working with other countries that they can maintain that aspiration. After more than fifty thousand American deaths and three…

The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

Rounding up undocumented workers, migrant and refugees is part of a brutal order of things in Malaysia. When matters economic are going well, authorities turn the blindest of eyes. The money pours in; development goals are being met. During times of crisis, the eye sharpens in the search for scapegoats. With the enervating effects of…