What’s at Stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Chessboard

What’s at Stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Chessboard

Few geopolitical hot spots across the planet may rival the Caucasus: that intractable, tribal Tower of Babel, throughout History a contentious crossroads of empires from the Levant and nomads from the Eurasian steppes. And it gets even messier when one adds the fog of war. To try to shed some light into the current Armenia-Azerbaijan…

Russian Strategic Calculations in the Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis

Russian Strategic Calculations in the Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis

OneWorld is publishing the original English-language version of Andrew Korybko’s analysis on the titular topic that was first released in Russian at the Moscow-Baku information portal. The latest Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis has brought a lot of attention to Russian strategic calculations in the South Caucasus. Being Armenia’s mutual defense ally through the CSTO, observers fear that…

Trump’s License to Violence

Trump’s License to Violence

The most remarkable moment in the 90-minute US presidential debate was President Trump’s refusal to outright condemn white supremacist groups. Indeed, he went further by referring to one such group by name, Proud Boys, and then told them – apparently approvingly – to “stand back and stand by”.  Stand by, for what? It sounds like…

Lebanon Crisis: The Long Arm of French Neocolonialism Is Back

Lebanon Crisis: The Long Arm of French Neocolonialism Is Back

Lebanese politicians are scrambling at home and security chiefs are conferring abroad to form a new government in line with French-set deadlines. The new government is expected to embody a new political pact called for by French President Emmanuel Macron during his first visit to Beirut after the deadly port explosion on 4 August.  Macron…

Why Is the British Press Sexing Up Stories on Hezbollah, Iran and China?

Why Is the British Press Sexing Up Stories on Hezbollah, Iran and China?

The British press seem to be doing a rancorous business of late of fabricating stories about Iran, Hezbollah and China. It’s almost as though these subjects are fair game for the old newsroom saying, once repeated often by hacks at the Daily Express in the 80s “make it sing, make it dance, but above all,…