A U.S. Color Revolution ‘Comes Home to Roost’ in the 2020 Election

A U.S. Color Revolution ‘Comes Home to Roost’ in the 2020 Election

It has been more than three weeks since election day and the incumbent U.S. president still has yet to concede defeat. Despite the media’s distraction over the perspiration of his personal attorney during a bizarre press conference, the legal team led by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has actually done a decent job…

The Worst Crime of Donald Trump’s Presidency Must Not Be Forgotten

The Worst Crime of Donald Trump’s Presidency Must Not Be Forgotten

It was the worst crime of Donald Trump’s years in the White House. In October 2019 he ordered US troops to stand aside, greenlighting Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria that led to the murder, rape and expulsion of its Kurdish inhabitants Eighteen months earlier, Trump did nothing as the Turkish army occupied the Kurdish enclave…