Why Lockdowns Don’t Work and Hurt the Most Vulnerable. Bankruptcies, Poverty, Despair

Why Lockdowns Don’t Work and Hurt the Most Vulnerable. Bankruptcies, Poverty, Despair

In a December 9, 2020, Twitter thread,1 Michael P. Senger, an attorney and author of the September 2020 article,2 “China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign,” reviewed the largely hidden impacts of global lockdowns. Ivor Cummins’ video also reviews data showing just how “hugely ineffective” lockdowns have been. As one would expect, shutting down businesses for extended…

Barack Obama’s Memoir is a Desperate Attempt to Seal a Legacy. It Fails

Barack Obama’s Memoir is a Desperate Attempt to Seal a Legacy. It Fails

In his historic lecture in Cairo in June 2009, then US President Barack Obama, announced to an adoring crowd of young and enthusiastic Egyptians that he had come to “seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the…