Sweden Doesn’t Need to Join NATO to be a Security Threat to Russia

Sweden Doesn’t Need to Join NATO to be a Security Threat to Russia

Sweden’s growing ties with NATO over the past half-dozen years make many observers wonder whether the Nordic country will soon join the transatlantic bloc, but it actually doesn’t even have to do so formally since it’s already a de facto member considering its close security cooperation with it, which means that Sweden is still a…

How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others

How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others

In a two-Party dictatorship, the important truths are kept away from being publicized on either side, Eric Zuesse writes. Throughout history, aristocrats, and their flaks such as their ‘news’-media, cast blame downward, away from themselves who collectively control the government, and onto, instead, some minority or other mass group, who can’t even plan or function…

In the WW3 In Which We Live

In the WW3 In Which We Live

Finally, it landed on me: WW3 is here and it is an unforgiving battle between the ‘vaccinated’ and the ‘sceptics’. It is a vicious struggle between those who are convinced that Pharma, Gates and Fauci are committed to salvaging humanity and the rest, who insist on believing in the bond between man and the universe…

US Makes Aggressive Opening Move on Russian Chessboard

US Makes Aggressive Opening Move on Russian Chessboard

A regime change project in Russia was launched on Sunday with the return of political activist Alexei Navalny to Moscow. It was a highly symbolic event — except that Navalny was travelling by an aeroplane from Germany and not in a sealed train. Navalny’s rebranding from an obscure rabble rouser to an international celebrity through…