Syria Should Talk With The US Since Its Iranian & Russian Allies Are Already Doing So

Syria Should Talk With The US Since Its Iranian & Russian Allies Are Already Doing So

Syria must become diplomatically proactive in order to adapt to the changing regional geopolitical situation of the early Biden era during a time when both its Iranian & Russian allies are already talking with the US otherwise it’ll be left out of the negotiation process and ultimately told what to do without any reliable alternative…

Can the Confrontation With Iran Be Resolved?

Can the Confrontation With Iran Be Resolved?

As the standoff between Iran, Israel and the United States has intensified in recent months, politicians and observers in many countries are now expressing cautious optimism that the situation will subside with the change of administration in the White House. In recent years, Washington and Tehran, not without the active encouragement of Israel, have regularly…

China’s Sea of Conflict

China’s Sea of Conflict

President Joseph Biden Jr’s.administration faces a host of difficult problems, but in foreign policy its thornist will be its relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). How it handles issues of trade, security and human rights will either allow both countries to hammer out a working relationship or pull the US into an expensive–and…

Who Controls American Imperialism?

Who Controls American Imperialism?

America does most of the entire world’s invasions and coups and sanctions. This has been the case ever since 1945, Eric Zuesse writes. U.S. imperialism is a fact, which the U.S. Government always denies. However, U.S. President Barack Obama implicitly ‘justified’ it when he told graduating students at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, on…

The UK-EU Clash Over Northern Ireland will have Grave Consequences

The UK-EU Clash Over Northern Ireland will have Grave Consequences

Get your retaliation in first,” is a cynical old saying in Northern Irish politics that means you hit your opponent whenever you can without waiting for a provocation. It neatly captures the violent traditions of the province and explains why the political temperature there is always close to boiling over. Imagine then the pleasure of…